Why Do We Have An Annual Fund?

This week, we reached a significant milestone. Thanks to gifts and pledges from parents, grandparents, staff, alumni families, and friends of the school our Annual Fund total passed the 100,000 mark. As of today our total stands $101,645. We rejoice in God’s generous provision and ask that you join us in praying that He provides the remaining $48.355 by the end of our fiscal year on June 30. We seek these funds in support of:

The Annual Fund supports tuition assistance for families who otherwise might not be able to afford an MGCS education. Tuition assistance can bring new families to MGCS or keep current families as part of our Christian school community.

By policy, Myrtle Grove Christian School continues to operate in complete independence from any state or federal taxpayer funding. In this way, we have been able to freely pursue our distinct Christian mission and vision as a private school in serving families for nearly forty years. Annual Fund giving helps us maintain this independence. 

We believe that the Bible describes the world as it really is. Answers to man’s biggest questions are found in God’s word. This is the worldview we work to instill in our students. The student with a Biblical worldview has a system of thought that is unified, logically consistent, and relevant to every area of life. Annual Fund giving helps make this education available to as many students as possible.